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My fascination with StitchFix – the clothing delivery for women who LOVE clothes but HATE shopping!



Stitchfix bare shoulder

If you follow my Facebook page you’ll know that I’m totally obsessed with Stitch Fix! I’ve been doing videos and posting outfits and I know many of you already knew about this service but apparently I was living under a rock????  You guys need to tell me about these things sooner! We are friends, remember???



STitchfix tank

So for those of you who still are not aware of what Stitch Fix is (God bless it, let me inform you)…….  this is a clothing delivery service for women who love clothes, but hate to shop.

While I would prefer to live in my favorite hole-ridden, bright pink, painting pants, apparently that is frowned upon when I need to look more put together.  I often have to clean up because I speak at a lot of events (like this event coming up) so I must have outfits for onstage.

And I need outfits for television.

And I need outfits for my photo shoots for social media.

And I need outfits for the times Mr Magic is just sick of me wearing my pink paint pants out in public.

But I haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaate to shop for clothes. I know many of you women want to break up with me right now, but this is truth.  I don’t like to go store to store.  And try on. And try to coordinate.  No, I think I WAS MEANT to have someone else dress me (#princess).  And if I absolutely have to go clothing shopping, more than likely it will be with three kids and the probability of one of those kids whining about having to go shopping with me is like 112%.  #keepinitreal #torture

And then I just want to go home and shoot myself in the foot and that makes the whole clothing shopping experience totally miserable.

So, one of my clients (God bless you Kristie!) was recently telling me about Stitch Fix and telling me how she gets a box of clothing delivered to her front door every month with outfits that a stylist selects personally just for her.

So I went home and did a little bit of research and this is basically all you need to know about Stitch Fix.

  • They have three different price points so you’re able to give them an idea of how much you would like to spend on individual items (I have mine set to the lowest price point).
  • You can select to have your clothes delivered monthly, weekly or bi-monthly (I do once a month but could be convinced to do bi-monthly).
  • They have you fill out an entire questionnaire asking you what colors and prints you love? What do you hate? What sizes do you normally wear? Where are your problems areas? Do you want clothes that are dressy or do you want clothes to go to the mall? Do you want accessories and purses or do you just want to stick with all jeans and sweaters?  They’ll ask you a TON of questions to get an idea about your style.
  • And then they ask that you set up a Pinterest board with clothing you like so that your stylist can see what your clothing taste is.


All of that info will allow your Stitch Fix stylist to look at your profile and  your Pinterest board and get an idea of what they think would look good on you.

Then they select five items of clothing and/or jewelry and/or handbags and ship them to you and it arrives in this gorgeous little box like this on your doorstep.




I promise you guys that as surely as I’m sitting here….. I literally squealed the first month I saw the box on my front steps because I could not wait to open it up!  How exciting to see what A PROFESSIONAL STYLIST would select for you to wear! And the presentation is wonderful with tissue paper and all.  And, they give you a recipe card for each item of clothing suggesting what you pair it with. WHY DID’T I THINK OF THIS?????

Perhaps you saw this video that I put on Facebook.


I was so excited I didn’t even wait to put on makeup before I posted it. Thank you Lord that I had on a bra. Lol.

After receiving the Stitch Fix items, you have 3 days to try them on and checkout online which is when you are billed for what you keep.  You tell them why you are keeping/returning every item and that will help your stylist in the future to do your selections.

They send you a POSTAGE PAID (seriously, genius!) envelope to return anything you don’t want or like.  You drop it in the mailbox.  So stinkin’ easy.

And you get a discount if you keep it all!!!!!!!  Yes, the styling fee is $20 a month, but it’s waived if you keep all five pieces.



Soooo… here are a few of my Stitch Fix outfits for those of you who keep messaging me and asking questions. I have loved almost everything. Several of the items I was NOT IMPRESSED with when I took them out of the box and THOSE THINGS have been the items that fit me like a glove and are now my favorite!  So my advice to you is this…..keep an open mind and try it on already!

I have had three months of deliveries and I’ve only returned two things…. one item was too big (thank you, Jesus) and another one was a handbag that was a color I didn’t like. Otherwise I have been THRILLED with this service.

So, I would love to know if you guys are already using StitchFix? I wanted to blog about it because I know many of you are like me…. always in paint clothes, short on time and you’d rather be shopping at Hobby Lobby than for clothes. There is no shame in this ladies.  We gotta focus on what we love and what we are good at and let the professionals do the rest.

If you decide you want to sign up for your first “fix”,  you can do it by going to my personal affiliate link here. And stay tuned to my Facebook page and to my new Periscope profile because I will be opening my next box live on both of those places next week.


Much love,


PS. if you follow my business Facebook page, you may have noticed that the name of “The Magic Brush” changed to “Jennifer Allwood” (public figure) last week.  Same page, different name! =)


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